"A trip to Europe" heisst die neue Taschenkollektion des Frankfurter Labels Affentor, welche am Donnerstag vormittag bei frischen Croissants und Café im Frankfurter Laden vorgestellt wurde. Zu Gast waren auch die Designerinnen Julia Pasternak (designte die Reisetasche "Carrie") und Caroline Weinberger, welche auch unter ihrem eigenen Label "Three Oaks" Taschen und Zubehör entwirft. Die Taschenkollektion und die sympathischen Damen werden in den nächsten Tagen näher vorgestellt.
"A trip to europe" is the new collection of Affentor, which was presented in Affentor-shop in Frankfurt on thursday morning with croissants and coffee. Designer Julia Pasternak (created the traveling bag "Carrie") and Caroline Weinberger, who designes bags and accessories on her own label "Three Oaks" also joined the event. The collection and the friendly designers will be presented the following days.
"A trip to europe" is the new collection of Affentor, which was presented in Affentor-shop in Frankfurt on thursday morning with croissants and coffee. Designer Julia Pasternak (created the traveling bag "Carrie") and Caroline Weinberger, who designes bags and accessories on her own label "Three Oaks" also joined the event. The collection and the friendly designers will be presented the following days.
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