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Frankfurt Fashion reads: Sneakers Magazine
At Bright Tradeshow Frankfurt Fashion met Andreas and Pascal the founders and editors of Sneakers Magazine. While sitting between masses of sneakers in their small showroom we talked about the idea of founding a magazine with the topic sneaker. Both founders are crazy about sneakers - collecting and wearing them. So the idea was to create a fanzine for sneaker freaks. Now you have the chance 4 times in a year to get this magazine. Storries about stores, interviews, care tips for sneaker, latest sneaker fashion and many more are the topics of this mag. Frankfurt Fashion will give away one exemplar of this first issue of Sneakers Magazine. Just write a short comment with your email address and the reason why you should have this magazine.
4 Kommentare:
cool sache...
i should receive the magazine copy because i love the front-page and think the magazine and diverse themes looks really inspiring. ha, and i was the first to comment! ;)
I would like to have the sneaker magazine because I wear exotic and fashionable sneakers for more than 30 years now; so I am a kind of living advertisement.
Wow, what a great idea to found a sneaker's mag. There are so many sneaker-obsessed people out there, it's sure to be a success.
So why do deserve the Sneaker's magazine?
Because when I wore my first pair of Air Jordan's I thought I was floating...Cos when my mom threw away my first pair of chucks, I went f**king crazy ("they're meant to be broken!")...cos my samba's lost their rhythm and my new balance are now old balance...
Basically, I need some inspiration for my next sneaker-purchase.
Winner is: ALEX
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