Schon von weitem sehe ich vor der Eckenheimer Landstrasse 57b 2 Personen auf Stühlen sitzen, welche sich angeregt mit einer Dame unterhalten. Die Schmuckdesignerin Tanja Martinho Alves und der Illustrator Sylvain Merot winken mir schon von weitem zu. Die von Aussen etwas unscheinbar wirkende Galerie entpuppt sich im Inneren zu einem schönen Kleinod. Auf winzigem Raum stellt Tanja Martinho Alves ihre Schmuckstücke aus und fertigt sie in diesem auch an, bei einem Besuch kann man ihr beim Arbeiten über die Schulter schauen. Tanja arbeitet bereits seit 12 Jahren als Schmuckdesignerin und hat seit ihrer Ausbildung zur Goldschmiedin immer in ihrem eigenen Atelier arbeiten können. Seit 4 Jahren teilt sie sich jetzt den Ausstellungsraum mit dem aus Frankreich stammenden Illustrator Sylvain Merot. Sylvain Merot gestaltet „alte Schinken“ um, alte Ölbilder mit Bergmotiven und ähnlichem gestaltet er mit fast schon sarkastisch wirkenden Figuren zu interessanten Stücken um. Selber malt er mit Ölfarben kleine Bildchen mit comichaft anmutenden Figuren – auch diese mit viel Schalk im Nacken. Wie hat es die beiden ins Nordend verschlagen? Sylvain und Tanja haben sich vor einigen Jahren in Lissabon kennengelernt. Dass die beiden in Frankfurt im Nordend „gelandet“ sind, war Zufall. Die Nachbarin Nicola von der gegenüberliegenden Blumenbar machte die beiden Künstler auf das leerstehende Ladenatelier aufmerksam, gefallen hat es beiden auf Anhieb vor allem aufgrund des großen Schaufensters. Neugierige Passanten können dort die ausgestellten Arbeiten begutachten und die Künstler bei der Arbeit beobachten. Die Auswahl des Standort Nordends war für beide eine glückliche Fügung des Schicksals. Schnell wurden sie von den freundlichen, benachbarten Geschäften aufgenommen und man lernte sich kennen. Tanja erzählt, dass das besondere im Nordend das Miteinander der Menschen ist. Oftmals setzen sich ältere Damen auf ihrem Weg zum einkaufen zu einer kurzen Pause auf die sich vor der Galerie befindenden Stühle, auch mit den Schülern der anliegenden Blindenschule ist man im Gespräch, wenn die Blinden sich mit ihren Stöcken den Weg über die Eckenheimer Landstraße suchen. Die Menschen helfen sich hier noch gegenseitig und der soziale Aspekt überwiegt. Die Ladenbesitzer inspirieren sich gegenseitig mit Ideen und arbeiten zusammen. „Jeder hat ein Auge auf den anderen“ meint Sylvain mit seinem franzöischen Akzent, und, dass würde er nicht negativ, sondern positiv meinen. Beide sind der Meinung, dass das Nordend mit der Zeit wächst. Es zieht mehr Menschen dorthin um ein Geschäft mit aussergewöhnlichen Dingen zu eröffnen. Das funktioniert aber auch nur hier, denn die Menschen, so scheint es, haben hier ein wenig mehr Zeit sich alles anzusehen. Ob sie den Platz hier gegen eine Toplage in der Innenstadt tauschen würden? Beide schütteln den Kopf, das wäre einfach nicht „unser Platz gewesen“, dass sie jetzt hier sind, war nicht auskalkuliert, es war eine spontante Entscheidung „aus dem Bauch heraus“. Sie haben sich vom ersten Augenblick in diesem Viertel „richtig gefühlt“ und dieses Gefühl kann ihnen kein Ladengeschäft in der Innenstadt geben.
Already afar i can see 2 people sitting on chairs in front of Eckenheimer Landstraße 57b and talking with a lady. Tanja Martinho Alves, jewellery designer and Sylvain Merot, illustrator, are waving. From the outside the gallery appears a little bit unimpressive but when you go in you find a real gem. In this small location Tanja Martinho Alves shows her jewellery and also creates them there: If you like you can take a glanze over her shoulder and watch her working. Since 12 years Tanja is working as jewellery designer and since ending her education to become a goldsmith she has worked in her own studio. For about 4 years now she is sharing this showromm with french illustrator Sylvain Merot. Sylvain Merot rerarranges old pictures. With almost sarcastic figures he alters old oil paintings with mountains on in very interesting pieces. Himself he paints little pictures with comic-like figures-and also these with a lot of joke. But what has taken them into Nodend? Sylvain and Tanja have met a few years ago in Lissabon. It was by chance that they came to Nordend. Their neighbour Nicola from the flowershop across gave them the hint for the abandoned studio which attracted them both from the first moment especially because of the big shop window. Curious pedestrians are so allowed to watch the exposed things and the artists by their work. For both of them the habitat Nordend was a lucky accident of destiny. Very quickly they were accepted by surrounding shops and got to know them better and better. Tanja tells that the cooperation of the people of Nordend makes ist so special. Often old ladys take a seat on the chairs in front of the studio on their way shopping, making a brake and also with the students of the close by school for blind people they talk when the students are searching their way on Eckenheimer Landstraße. People are helping each other and the social aspect is very important. Shop owners inspire one another with new ideas and are working together. "Everybody has an eye on the others" says Sylvain with his french accent, and not in a negative way but in a positive. Both have the opinion that Nordend grows with the time. More people who want to open a shop with fancy things are attracted by Nordend.But this only wokrs there, because people in Nordend seem to have more time to have a look on all things. If they would switch their shop for one directly in the city? Both shake their heads, that just wouldn´t have been" their place". That they are now here wasn´t calculated, it was a spontaneous decision out of the belly. They have felt comfortable and right since the first moment in this quarter and this feeling they´d never have with a shop in the city.
Already afar i can see 2 people sitting on chairs in front of Eckenheimer Landstraße 57b and talking with a lady. Tanja Martinho Alves, jewellery designer and Sylvain Merot, illustrator, are waving. From the outside the gallery appears a little bit unimpressive but when you go in you find a real gem. In this small location Tanja Martinho Alves shows her jewellery and also creates them there: If you like you can take a glanze over her shoulder and watch her working. Since 12 years Tanja is working as jewellery designer and since ending her education to become a goldsmith she has worked in her own studio. For about 4 years now she is sharing this showromm with french illustrator Sylvain Merot. Sylvain Merot rerarranges old pictures. With almost sarcastic figures he alters old oil paintings with mountains on in very interesting pieces. Himself he paints little pictures with comic-like figures-and also these with a lot of joke. But what has taken them into Nodend? Sylvain and Tanja have met a few years ago in Lissabon. It was by chance that they came to Nordend. Their neighbour Nicola from the flowershop across gave them the hint for the abandoned studio which attracted them both from the first moment especially because of the big shop window. Curious pedestrians are so allowed to watch the exposed things and the artists by their work. For both of them the habitat Nordend was a lucky accident of destiny. Very quickly they were accepted by surrounding shops and got to know them better and better. Tanja tells that the cooperation of the people of Nordend makes ist so special. Often old ladys take a seat on the chairs in front of the studio on their way shopping, making a brake and also with the students of the close by school for blind people they talk when the students are searching their way on Eckenheimer Landstraße. People are helping each other and the social aspect is very important. Shop owners inspire one another with new ideas and are working together. "Everybody has an eye on the others" says Sylvain with his french accent, and not in a negative way but in a positive. Both have the opinion that Nordend grows with the time. More people who want to open a shop with fancy things are attracted by Nordend.But this only wokrs there, because people in Nordend seem to have more time to have a look on all things. If they would switch their shop for one directly in the city? Both shake their heads, that just wouldn´t have been" their place". That they are now here wasn´t calculated, it was a spontaneous decision out of the belly. They have felt comfortable and right since the first moment in this quarter and this feeling they´d never have with a shop in the city.
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