Montag, 23. März 2009

Stanley Brinks & Freschard concert at Hafen 2

Hafen 2 in Offenbach is well known for its parties and nice relaxed summer evenings outside the building. But more over that it is an institutian for independent bands and singers from all over the world. Coming Saturday Hafen2 open its doors for Stanley Brinks (Andrey Herman Düne) and Freschard. Andre Herman Dune and Freschard met in Paris. He wrote a few songs for her to sing. She called her first E.P. “Neon Orange”. Homeless in Paris, she saved up just enough money to get herself a ticket to New York. There she found an old electric guitar and started writing her own material to record her second record. In 2004 she moved to Berlin, where she recorded her first LP, "Alien Duck", with a mix of electronic and acoustic sounds. Her second album, "Click Click", recorded in 2006, features a drummer and electric guitars by Stanley Brinks. On her third album, “moonstone”, she plays the drums herself. Concert will take place on Saturday, 28th of March in Hafen 2. Entry is 10 Euro and the doors will be open at 21:00 o´clock. Concert starts at 21:45.

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